Our Mission (What Do We Want to Do?)

Coordinating the education and training processes of master's, non-thesis master's and PhD programs which are carried out within the Graduate Education Institute Izmir Bakırçay University, encouraging the original contribution to knowledge with qualified scientific studies (theses), supporting the interdisciplinary programs, ensuring the production of original knowledge and methods,  to address scientific problems in a broader and more experienced perspective for our graduate students who are scientist candidates, to conduct independent and innovative research and observations; to ensure that the students are educated as knowledgeable and virtuous professional individuals in this field that society needs who adopt national and universal values, adhere to ethical values, adopt lifelong learning as a principle, have the duty to perform scientific studies, can use the skills and knowledge effectively in academic life and other fields, produce high value added technology and practice playing a leading role in Turkey.


Our Vision (What Do We Want to Be?)

To contribute to the competitiveness of our country in the ongoing global competition, structures as project-oriented in the field of technology, educate graduates, promotes entrepreneurship with its ecosystem and preferred by its strong academic staff with a sustainable institutional structure, becomes an institute that educates academicians with international standards.